
Go for it!

Go for it!

So I was watching the Voice (the battle rounds) and, I must say, watching the coaching is just as cool as the performances themselves.  It kindof makes me think of how some people see the glory with no regard for the story.  Success is a journey; how oft we do forget, but it’s more than worth it.  It is this journey that gives color to what is an otherwise bland and uneventful time/life.

Well, back to the Voice, which inspired this post.  During the time of coaching, one of the coaches said:

“…Imagine the note you want to hit and hit it.”

Now, this may stir different thoughts and reactions within you, but one of the thoughts for me is that of FEARLESSNESS.  Why?

There are times in many of our lives that we have envisioned something great, dreamt about it, and thensome, But….that was it.  It’s crazy how we get lost in thought – dreamland.  It’s crazy because while some of us are thinking of great and innovative things, we are allowing ourselves to get overwhelmed.  Everything starts to seem like such a mountainous or uphill battle and we clinch up. But we can’t! What’s waiting for us is greater.  Go For It!  Take the leap. mountain jumping

Be the success that you see, in you, but remember to Be – presence is required. The quote above says to imagine and hit it, so keeping it all in our head is not productive.  We must be encouraged progress from being passively active to radically aggressive.  Just looking at the word ‘hit’ denotes to me that one should attack life; yet in lieu of the referenced show, do it with finesse [skill, taste, discrimination – which means except no substitutes or such like].  The forward movement, though powerful, has to have that finesse because of the savoring of every moment that’s going to diminish our inhibitions and teach us how to take control of our nerves.

So now that you have your vision board and have put sticky notes on the mirrors and listened to motivational discs, Do Something!  Do without regret. Do without self-mutilation.  So what if you make a mistake – Fail Forward, that’s what they say, right?  Even the bible says, in a translation of Ps.24:16

No matter how often honest people fall, they always get up again

So Do get up even if you fall.




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3 thoughts on “Fearlessness

      • I hv not started it yet, People around me are not convinced is a big reason. It happens and I am waiting for my work to be published/recognized. Then it will be good time to go for business as it will not break my relations.


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